How To Stop Snoring
“Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone.” – Anthony Burgess
Okay, stop laughing! For those of us who snore, going to sleep can be way more stressful than it should be. Sleep is a time of respite, repose and relaxation; not for wondering how loud you’re going to snore and whether your new partner can hear you. Snoring is a very common, and very natural problem that people all around the world face. Almost half of us will snore at some point in our lives with it becoming a bigger problem for some of us. About 40% of men and 24% of women snore and apart from being annoying for anyone sleeping with you, it can also cause a dry mouth and sore throat. To help with this, we’ve rounded up a few natural tips that you can try to stop the snore.
Change Your Sleeping Position
This is the number one most common tip for anyone who snores. Sleeping on your back is the most common reason for people snoring because your airway is kind of squashed between your chin and tongue and can cause a vibrating noise as you breathe. When most people snore, their partners have to move them to make them stop so this is something you can try yourself. Try sleeping on your side for a few nights either using a body pillow or putting something against your back making it difficult for you to sleep on your back. One trick is to put a tennis ball at the back of your Dandelion pyjamas making it very uncomfortable to lie on your back!
Unclog Your Airways
A blocked nose is a very common reason for snoring which is why people with asthma and allergies tend to snore more than those without. To try and fix this, rub a few drops of essential oils on your pillow to help open up your nose. We like using eucalyptus or marjoram. Another solution could be steaming before you sleep. Use a small steamer or bowl of boiling water with a few drops of Vicks or eucalyptus oil to help open up those block air passages. If you suffer from severe sinusitis, then visit your doctor to find a more permanent solution.
Don’t Eat or Drink Too Much Before Bed
Apart from disrupting your sleep, drinking alcohol before bed can often lead to snoring. The alcohol actually relaxes your muscles, including your throat muscles, which open up and can lead to snoring. Eating heavy meals before bed has also been connected to snoring. A full tummy may put pressure on your chest and other muscles which will result in you breathing more heavily and increasing the chances of your snoring. Being overweight is also strongly connected to snoring so try to maintain your weight in order to keep your snoring under control.