8 Things You Didn’t Know About Sleep

Did you know that the average person sleeps for about a third of their lifetime? This means that someone who lives to be 75 has spent roughly 25 years asleep. Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? After hearing about this, we decided to do some research and uncover other facts about sleeping that might surprise us. Considering we are in the business of making the comfiest, cosiest, most stylish pyjamas- we were very interested to learn more.


12% of people dream in black and white

Surprising as this may be, the number was even higher before colour televisions came into our lives! Though you may not remember your dreams, the next time you wake up, think about whether you dreamt in colours or monochrome.

11 days is the longest time someone hasn’t slept

In 1964, a college student wanted to see how long he could go without sleeping. This experiment led him to stay awake for 11 consecutive days before passing out! We strongly advise against experiments like this because people have been known to die from sleep deprivation.


Deaf people can sign in their sleep

It’s common to hear about people walking and talking in their sleep but speaking sign language? That was surprising to hear! Though the more you think about it, the more it makes sense because for someone who is deaf, signing is how they speak.

People who exercise sleep better

People who exercise at least once a day, sleep much better. Those who do strenuous exercise have reported the best sleep. Naturally, those who do not exercise report the worst quality sleep and are also more prone to sleep apnea.


Trouble waking up? You may have dysania

Most people struggle with getting out of bed in the morning but if you really find it difficult, you may want to check with your doctor. Dysania is a form of chronic fatigue syndrome and could be the reason why waking up seems like a mammoth task.

The sensation of falling when you’re half asleep is more common than you think!

We’ve all experienced hypnic jerks, which are that feeling you get when you’re about to fall asleep but then feel like your falling and move your limbs. These are very common but can be aggravated due to stress, caffeine or working out close to your bedtime.

You forget your dreams in five minutes

By the time you’ve been awake for five minutes, you will have forgotten 50% of your dream. Though Freud believed this was because our brain wanted to get rid of whatever we had dreamt of, it’s more likely that it’s because we immediately start thinking about so many other things when we wake up.

Falling asleep should take you 10-15 minutes

There are those people who fall asleep the minute their heads hit the pillow while others may toss or turn for hours. Ideally, it shouldn’t take you more or less than 10-15 minutes to fall asleep. Less than this may signal that you’re sleep deprived while more could mean you have insomnia.